Gold Coast, Australia 0466095094
Gold Coast, Australia 0466095094
A Habitation service consists of a 70 point check over of your RV . The RV Specialist conducts the most comprehensive service check available in Australia, Habitation checks are usually performed as an annually or if you are planning a trip and want your RV in tip top operating condition to avoid any unpleasant interruptions to your trip. Its a good idea to have you RV serviced just as you would your everyday vehicle this guarantees your valuable investment is maintained and looked after for years to come. Some manufacturers even make it a requirement for an annual habitation check to meet warranty obligations.
We perform a wide range of repairs, upgrades, additions and extras such as 12v electrics including Solar upgrades, battery systems and battery management, plumbing repairs and upgrades such as pumps, leaks, mains/town water inlets and filters, fitting of external showers, Hot Water system anode replacement, bike racks, Sirroco Fans, L.E.D lighting upgrades, and many more.